Sunday, December 28, 2008

Robert Lau is recruited

After lost contact for almost 48 years, we got hold of Robert Lau (劉慶昭) by coincidence who left us since Form 2. During our 2008 Re-Union Peter Chiu chatted with us mentioning each old classmate one by one. It was so coincident that his wife Shirley and Robert's wife were friends. She gave us her long-time no contacted telephone number. Finally we contacted him. He came back Hong Kong to visit his old-aged mother this December, 2008.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chow Kok Shing, Lee Wing Sun & Senner Ricardo Visit Hong Kong

On October 2008 Chow Kok Shing, Lee Wing Sun and Senna Ricardo simultaneously visited Hong Kong. We had a lunch together at Kowloon. Wilson Lee's purpose of visit is to welcome his grand-son's birth at December 2008.

Monday, June 2, 2008


二零零八年五月二十四日(星期六)上午,一九六三年畢業之英文部大熊星社(GREAT BEAR II)同學連配偶一行三十六人,繼去年三月十一日之拜訪,再次重臨母校,拜會孔智剛校長。此行之主要目的有下列幾點:

(一) 答謝母校多年之訓導;
(二) 捐贈『粵華小學英文優異獎學金』基金港幣一萬五千元。
(三) 捐贈『粵華中學擴建校舍籌款』葡幣一萬一千元。





與校長及老師OZORIO揮手道別,我們一行人等前往『退休退役及領取撫恤金人士協會』午餐,並邀請黃兆釧老師相聚。部份旅居海外同學如:招再剛,何志堃,HARBHAJAN SINGH,RICARDO DE SENNA等與黃老師多年不見,今次難得重敘,焂忽已四十多年。午餐是自助餐形式,舉杯暢飲,大快朵頤。







歸途中, 寫七絕一首,詩贈同窗以兹記念 :




十五志於學 (志學之年)
百歲 (期頤)

後記 :

此次回母校之各項工作得以順利進行,承蒙梁星棋同學策劃統籌,鄭觀森同學旅遊組織,關敏如同學在澳門各項安排,鄭承忠同學贈送來回船票及讌請晚飯,張功良同學攝影工作等,謹此致謝。此外;對長居海外 Canth Harbhajan Singh, Senna Ricardo, 招再剛,何志堃同學等之熱烈推動,港澳各同學之積極参與及共襄善舉,使今次敘會得以圓満结柬,謹致謝意

Harbhajan Singh,Richardo de Senna,鄭國重,鄭冠柱夫婦,鄭觀森夫婦,鄭承忠夫婦,張功良,招再剛,招再強,趙崇就夫婦,趙善威夫婦,霍紹光,何春霖,何志堃夫婦,關敏如夫婦,黎榮樂夫婦,梁星棋,梁廣虎夫婦,盧榮耀夫婦,黃錦田夫婦,黃兆鈞,楊德興夫婦。聞秉偉(1956同學),聞秉泉夫婦(1961同學)。


Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Summary of the Reunion of the Graduates of Great Bear II (1963)

Celebrating the 45th Graduation Anniversary

On 24th May (Saturday) 2008, the Great Bear II classmates, together with their spouses, a total of 36 persons visited their mother school --Yuet Wah College and the Principal, Rev. Fr. Francis Hung, S.D.B.

The purposes of the Reunion and visit to the mother school were as follows:

(1) Courtesy visit to mother school for celebration of 45th graduation anniversary
(2) Donation of additional scholarship of HK$15,000.00 awarding English subject outstanding pupil in Primary Section; and
(3) Donation of MOP 11,000.00 for the construction of school’s extension.

Around 11.00 am, the Hong Kong classmates joined by those of Macau arrived Yuet Wah College. The Principal Rev. Fr. Francis Hung greeted the classmates at the “Millennium Hall” and gave a short brief on the achievements of the pupils at school. In short, most of the graduates were able to get admission from famous Universities of UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Taiwan etc. Last year, the pupils obtained four out of the ten Scholarships offered by the Government of Macau SAR. After some exchange of information, Mr. Keith Leung and Mr. Chiu Sin Wai on behalf of the Great Bear II presented the cheque of the scholarship to Rev. Fr. Hung. The donation of MOP11,000.00 will be given at a later day after funds being collected.

Coincidently, the day was “The Feast of Mary Help of Christians”, Rev. Fr. Hung leaded all of us to the Shrine of Our Lady Mary and prayed for the people of the world and the victims of Sichuan earthquake. Rev. Fr. Hung also sang his favourite songs “Ava Maria” and “Sea Star”. Afterwards all the classmates joined in and sang the School Song all together. Indeed it brought back lots of memories while singing the same old song after half a Century.

Then Rev Fr. Hung leaded us to the new buildings and surroundings. It was noted that the building of the English Section was kept in good condition. The memories of the old days sitting at the classroom were once again in our minds. We finally took a photo at the same stone steps where the graduation picture was taken in 1963.

After saying goodbye to Rev. Fr. Hung and Mr. Ozorio, we had the Portuguese buffet lunch at the “Associacao dos Aposentados, Reformados E. Pensionistas de Macau”. Those classmates, residing at overseas, such as Peter Chiu, Ho Chi Kuan, Harbhajan Singh, Ricardo De Senna were delighted to meet Mr.Wong Siu Chuen who was our Mathematics teacher after more than 40 years.

At 3.00 pm, we went to the Light House at Pine Tree Hill, a landmark of Macau. Standing at the top of the hill and overlooking the city, we were amazed that the previous wild fields were now replaced by high-rise buildings.

Then we continued the journey to Zhongshan and checked in the 6 Stars Shangri-la Hotel. In the evening, our classmate Mr. Cheng Seng Chong Edward held a dinner reception in the Hotel Restaurant. We all enjoyed the delicious “Wei Yeung” cuisines. Mrs. Cheng was delighted to sing two songs for the party.

Next day, despite the misty rain, our coach bus strode along the famous Government buildings of Shunde Town and we were all impressed by the enormous size and luxury of the Government buildings. Then we went to “Shun Fung Hill Restaurant” and enjoyed the famous “Shunde Cuisine”.

After lunch, we visited “Bao Mo Garden” in Panyu. The Garden situated in Zini Village, Shawan Town of Panyu. . It combined the culture of an official, gardening arts and ancient buildings styles of Southern China waterside scenery in the Pearl River delta. After leaving the Garden, we would not miss the famous local delicacy of “Double Skinned Milk”, “Hot Milk mixed with Ginger Juice” etc.

Dinner was held at Zhongshan “Shek Ki Lo Restaurant”, which was well known for their “Shek Ki deep fired pigeons”. We without any hesitation , quickly put on the plastic gloves and finished them in no time.

Two days had passed quickly. There were so much to catch up and yet time was so short. We all agreed the date of next Reunion would be on the 50th Anniversary.

Thanks to the efforts and generosity of the following classmates, the trip was able to be held successfully:

Leung Shing Kay Keith--Overall Coordinator
Cheng Koon Sum Philip--Trip planner
Kwan Manuel Victor--Coordinator, Macau
Cheng Seng Chong Edward--Donor of Jetfoil tickets and dinner
Cheung Kung Leong--Photographer
Chiu Sin Wai--Secretary

Monday, April 7, 2008



May 24 (Saturday) 9:00 a.m. Hong Kong classmates go to Macau and joined by Macau
11:30 a.m. Go to the Light House and take a view of Macau.
12:30 p.m. Visit Yuet Wah College.
1:30 p.m. Lunch at Macau Restaurant serving Portuguese Dishes.
3:30 p.m. City Tour
4:40 p.m. Go to China Chungshan ( 中 山 ) stay at Shangri-la Hotel
6:00 p.m Dinner at the Hotel
After Dinner enjoy a Qing Dynasty Show at New Yuen
Ming Yuen.

May 25 (Sunday) 9:00 a.m. Breakfast at the Hotel
10:00 a.m. Go to Shunde (順 德) visit a historic Temple
12:30 p.m. Lunch at Shunde
2:30 p.m. Visit a Famous Garden Po Mak Yuen ( 寶 墨 圓 )
4:30 p.m. Return to Macau
6:00 p.m. Dinner on the way at Shek Ki ( 石 岐)
8:00 p.m. Arrive Macau, some classmates return to HK thorough
Shanzhan (optional)
10:30 p.m. Hong Kong Classmates return to Hong Kong

May 24 (星 期 六) 9:00 a.m. 香 港 同 學 乘 船 往 澳 門 與 澳 門 同 學 會 合
11:30 a.m. 乘 車 往 東 望 洋 燈 塔 觀 景
12:30 p.m. 探 訪 粵 華 母 校.
1:30 p.m. 午 膳 ( 葡 國 餐 )
3:30 p.m. 市 區 觀 光
4:40 p.m. 車 往 中 山,住 香 格 里 拉 酒 店
晚 餐 於 酒 店
晚 上 往 圓 明 新 園 欣 賞( 仿 清 戰 爭 大SHOW)

May 25 (星 期 日) 9:00 a.m. 早 餐 於 酒 店
10:00 a.m. 往 順 德 寶 林 寺
12:30 p.m. 午 餐 於 順 德 ( 順 峰 山 莊 )
2:30 p.m. 午 餐 後 往 寶 墨 園
4:30 p.m. 回 程 澳 門
6:00 p.m. 晚 餐 於 石 岐 (石 岐 佬 海 鮮 酒 家).
8:00 p.m. 部 份 同 學 回 澳 門 ( 或 )
部 份 同 學 經 深 圳 回 香 港
10:30 p.m. 全 程 完 畢